pradhan mantri awas yojana online apply 2022-23

what pradhan mantri awas yojana
Launched by the Central Government with the objective of providing a pucca house to each family with water supply, 24 x 7 electricity supply and other facilities till the completion of 75 years of the nation’s independence.when pradhan mantri awas yojana was launched in india
On June 25, 2015, ‘Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana’ was launched. Under this scheme, ‘Housing for All (Urban) by the year 2022’ mission has been started, under which by the year 2022, the urban poor of the country [especially the economically weaker sections (EWS) and low income groups] will be provided housing by the central government. (LIG)] has been targeted to construct about 2 crore affordable pm awas yojana works
- (i) Slum rehabilitation with the participation of private promoters using land as a resource.
- (ii) Promotion of affordable housing for weaker sections through loan linked interest subsidy.
- (iii) Construction of affordable housing in public-private partnership.
- (iv) Subsidy for beneficiary based individual house construction.
As per Census 2011, all the 4041 Statutory Towns will be covered under this scheme.
This scheme will be implemented in the following three phases:-- Phase-I (April, 2015 to March, 2017) :- 100 cities will be covered as desired by the States/UTs.
- Phase-II (April, 2017- March, 2019) :- Additional 200 cities will be covered.
- Phase-III (April, 2019-March, 2022) :- All remaining cities will be covered.
The beneficiary unit in this scheme is a family, which includes husband and wife and unmarried sons and daughters.Only that family will be eligible for benefits under the scheme, who do not have their own house in any part of India in their own name or in the name of any other member of their family.
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pradhan mantri awas yojana key facts
- The entire scheme except the credit linked interest subsidy is implemented as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme, while the credit linked interest subsidy component is implemented as a Central Sector Scheme.
- Under the slum rehabilitation programme, there is a provision of central grant of Rs one lakh on an average per house.
- Under the Credit Linked Interest Subsidy component, an interest subsidy of 6.5 per cent will be provided on housing loans to EWS/LIG categories for a period of 15 years.
- The houses constructed under this mission will be allotted in the name of the female head of the household or in the joint name of the male head of the household and his wife.
pradhan mantri awas yojana progress
- The budget allocation for the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) for the year 2021-22 has been Rs 8000 crore. Rs 21000 crore was allocated in the Budget 2020-21 (Sr.No.).
- As per the data released till June 25, 2021, the PMAY(U) mission has so far achieved the target of sanctioning more than 112.95 lakh houses.
- A total of 50.08 lakh houses have been completed for construction.
- National Urban Housing Fund
- The Union Cabinet on February 20, 2018 approved the creation of Rs 60,000 crore National Urban Housing Fund (NUHF).
- This fund will be located in the Construction Materials and Technology Promotion Council.
- In the next four years, the National Urban Housing Fund will work to collect the necessary funds.
pradhan mantri awas yojana analysis
Own house occupies top place in every person’s dreams, as housing is not only a basic need but it is also linked to one’s prestige, health, savings, creativity etc. The relevance of owning housing becomes even greater when it comes to urban environments, as rent accounts for more than half of the income of low-income people struggling to make ends meet in urban areas. This mission, which was started with the view of making people’s own houses available, is beneficial from many points of view. If it is implemented in a better way, it will increase the income of the people, keep the city clean and beautiful and improve the health of the people, as well as savings, innovation, creativity, etc. among the poor.Will increase, which will ultimately be in the interest of the country.
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Rural)
The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Gramin) was approved by the Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 23 March 2016. Under this project, a target has been set to build 1 crore pucca houses in the rural areas in the next three years (by the end of 2019). The scheme is implemented in rural areas across India except Delhi and Chandigarh. The scheme was formally launched on 20 November 2016 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi from Agra.
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Rural) key facts
- Under this scheme, 1 crore safe and environmentally friendly pucca houses will be constructed in rural areas in three years from 2016-17 to 2018-19.
- Under the scheme, provision has been made for assistance of Rs 1.20 lakh per house in flat areas, while up to Rs 1.30 lakh in hilly areas.
- Gram Sabha will be consulted before finalizing the list to identify the beneficiaries who were earlier assisted and those who are ineligible due to other reasons.
- The cost of construction of houses will be shared between the Center and the States in the ratio of 60:40 for plain areas and 90:10 for hilly/north-eastern areas.
- The funds will be directly transferred to the account of the beneficiary.
- The beneficiaries have also been provided with the facility of taking loans up to Rs 70,000.
- The area for construction of house has been increased from existing 20 sqm to 25 sqm.
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Rural)progress
According to the data released in August 2018, in the last four years (2014-15 to 2017-18), a total of 1.07 crore rural houses were completed, of which 38.20 lakh were included under PMAY-(G) and 68.64 lakh under Indira Awas Yojana. Is. If the financial year 2018-19 is also included in this, then from the year 2014-15 to the present (August, 2018) this figure is of 1.13 crore houses.
In the budget 2021-22, the budget allocation of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Rural) was Rs 19500 crore, which is equal to the amount allocated for the same scheme for the year 2020-21 (Sr.No.).
Interest Subsidy Scheme for Rural Housing
- On January 24, 2017, the Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister approved the ‘Interest Subsidy Scheme for Rural Housing’ to promote rural housing in the country.
- Under the scheme, there is a provision to provide 3 percent interest subsidy on loan amount up to two lakh rupees to such beneficiaries, who are not benefited from Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Rural).
- The responsibility of implementation of the scheme is of ‘National Housing Bank’.
- The 3 percent interest subsidy will be paid by the central government directly to the National Housing Bank.
- The amount of interest subsidy will be transferred by the National Housing Bank to the Primary Lending Institutions (Scheduled Commercial Banks, Non-Banking Financial Companies etc.). With this scheme, those people who are not able/eligible to take advantage of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Rural), will get help for construction, maintenance, expansion etc. of their house.
Read these also:-
- Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maandhan Yojana.
- Prime Minister Crop Insurance Scheme
- Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana