Tesla Autopilot AI price rises with new research in full self-driving software

Ashok Eluswamy, director of Tesla’s Autopilot software, presented some of the recent work of the Autopilot team at the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2022 conference in June.Ashok Eluswamy said Tesla Autopilot prevents an average of 40 collisions from drivers accidentally stepping on the accelerator instead of brakes every day. The autopilot is able to detect when the driver accidentally puts the accelerator on the floor instead of the brake, which in many cases causes a collision.
Eluswamy stressed that apart from being safe, a self-driving car should also be comfortable and reasonably fast. Tesla’s autopilot and FSD technologies have recently attracted regulators and the U.S. There has been some criticism from the government.
According to Eluswamy, this technological advancement will eventually allow Tesla to “build a car that literally never crashes.” Eluswamy said many of the autopilot team’s latest improvements are sending full self-driving (FSD) beta testers as part of version 10.69.

The price of Tesla’s full-self-driving (FSD) software has been increased from $12,000 to $15,000. Tesla CEO Elon Musk said via Twitter that the new price, which has increased by $3,000, will come into effect in North America from Sept. 5.
According to Musk, drivers who order the vehicle before September 5 will not have to pay this new fee. Their price increases when Tesla starts providing drivers with FSD beta 10.69|
The company will increase its price to improve new driver-support capabilities. Musk said that as the software reaches full self-driving capability with regulatory permission, the “value of FSD” could exceed $100,000.
Tesla Autopilot AI Self Driving Software