7 things Warren Buffett tells you to do with your money
1. Never Lose Money:
Rule No. 1: Never Lose Money. Rule No. 2: Never forget Rule No. 1."
2. Get High Value at a Low Price:
Whether we're talking socks or stock, Buffett loves buying quality merchandise.
3. Form Healthy Money Habits:
Work on building positive money habits, and break those habits that hurt your wallet.
4. Keep Cash On Hand:
Another key to ensuring safety is to always have cash reserves on hand.
5. Invest in yourself:
"Invest in yourself as much as you can. You are your biggest asset ever.
6. View money in long-term form:
This kind of long-term view of money is central to Buffett's investment decisions.
7. Learn about money:
Part of investing in yourself should be learning more about managing money.
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